ZBC Fires more managers

MORE heads reportedly rolled at the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) yesterday with news bulletins manager John Gambanga and Jacob Phiri being shown the exit door 24 hours after the State broadcaster terminated contracts for 282 employees citing viability problems.

Sources at ZBC said the pair was fired as part of the broadcaster's streamlining exercise which has seen Tazzen Mandizvidza being appointed general manager, while Chris Chivinge was appointed editor-in-chief.

ZBC spokesperson Gladman Bandama could neither confirm nor deny the developments saying the rationalisation process was an on-going exercise.

"There is a process of rationalisation and streamlining and it is ongoing as we try to restore viability to the corporation. The management and the board will be making some decisions, not necessarily retrenchments," Bandama said.

"Rationalisation does not mean dismissing people, but it also means re-skilling and training on the ground."

On Mandizvidza's appointment, Bandama said nothing was official as yet.

"There is nothing official yet. There are still discussions across a number of issues," Bandama said.

However, a source who spoke to My Zimbabwe News claimed that of the four senior managers who were suspended last year (Muchechetere, former general manager — finance Elliot Kasu, former general manager — radio services Allan Chiweshe and the former head — finance Ralph Nyambudzi and Tazzen Mandizvidza), Tazzen allegedly 'repented' and allegedly dished some secrets and sensitive information about the quartet's deals. This, the source claimed, is the sole reason why the other three senior managers were eventually fired while Mandizvidza was given a second chance.

But insiders said Mandzizvidza who is now the General Manager Productions and television Services now in charge of drama production and children TV programmes sold out his colleagues who he looted company resources with.

“When he was on suspension he made endless visits to the Minister of Information Media and Broadcasting Services Professor Jonathan Moyo’s offices where he would spy on his colleagues. According to the Ministry he has returned because he assisted them with vital information on how they were stealing from the company”, said the sources.

“He is eyeing the CEO post and that is what he is saying that has been promised by the Ministry but the truth is that they want to use him and dump him later”.

He (Mandizvidza)Happison Muchechetere (former Chief Executive Officer) Allan Chiweshe (former General Radio Services) Elliot Kasu (former General Manager Finance) on suspension since late last  year on allegations of stealing $7 million from the company.

The four went on a five year looting spree giving themselves loans and built luxurious houses posh suburbs of the capital. They also purchased themselves top of range vehicles and high profile cell phones and electrical gadgets.

Surprisingly, one of these four senior managers (name supplied) had not even bought a house yet, and he is now staying with his grandmother in Harare.

ZBC is among several State entities and private companies that have offloaded their excess workforce over the past few weeks taking advantage of a recent Supreme Court ruling allowing employers to terminate workers' contracts after giving them three months' notice.

Source: My Zim

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