Mugabe flies out to Equatorial Guinea

President Robert Mugabe has left the country for Equatorial Guinea to attend the 7th Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Summit.
President Mugabe will join other leaders from African, Caribbean and Pacific countries in Malabo to deliberate on issues affecting the 79-member grouping.
He is accompanied by Foreign Affairs Minister, Simbarashe Mumbengegwi and other senior government officials.The two day summit is being held under the theme: "The Future of the ACP Group in a Changing World: Challenges and Opportunities."
Deliberations at the summit will focus on the future of ACP-EU relations, opportunities for ACP partnerships with emerging economies, intra ACP trade, energy and sustainable economic development as well as peace and security issues.
The last ACP Summit was held in Ghana in 2008 with a focus on the impact of the international financial crisis on oil and food prices.

ACP is an association of African, Caribbean and Pacific countries formed to co-ordinate the agreements of the Lomé Convention of 1975 and later included in the context of the objectives of the Cotonou Agreement signed in 2000.

Its objectives are to coordinate the activities of ACP states in the framework of the implementation of that agreement and to define common positions of member countries in relation to the European Union Development Fund.

President Mugabe was seen of at the Harare International Airport by Vice President Joice Mujuru, cabinet ministers, service chiefs and other senior government officials.

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