Two lovers, who appear like college or university students are the latest victims of the prowling secret photographer who is making life difficult for couples making love in bushes around Masvingo city.
This is probably the youngest couple that the secret photographer has so far captured. The rest of the couples are obviously married and well above 35 years of age. The images are however too explicit that My Zimbabwe can not publish them, due to a strict anti-adult content policy we are now forced to adhere to.
The young lovers stripped in a bush near National Railways station and played the 'hide my sausage' game for nearly 10 minutes while the secret photographer filmed them from just about two metres away.
The secret photographer has vowed to continue exposing people who are doing 'ridiculous' things in public places. He filmed two different sets of lovers enjoying the juicy act within 20 metres of each other in the same bush near the National Railways station.
The young man who wore a white shot, removed his jacket and a shirt and used it as the mattress from which the young lady lay on her back. The young woman in turn had all buttons to her blouse opened thereby exposing her boobs. The lady would occasionally rub the young man's bare back as they bonked and her bare long legs could be seen from a distance.
The two love birds were however shocked when the secret photographer asked what they were doing. They raised their heads slowly. The man grinned endlessly, for a while they could not come to terms with their situation and slowly they got off each other with the secret photographer getting enough time to get good shots including their wet and 'oily' private parts.
None uttered a word except the young man who gave his apologies. The youthful woman remained sullen and could not open her mouth until they left.
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