2 Harare cops in court over $10 bribe

HARARE - Two police officers who allegedly demanded a $10 bribe from a commuter omnibus driver have appeared in court.
Todzanisai Mavidza, 28, and Brave Kandikita, 25, allegedly demanded $10 from a commuter omnibus driver in order to release him and his vehicle. The two police officers appeared before Harare magistrate Anita Tshuma on charges of criminal abuse of duty as a public officer.
The court heard Mavidza and Kandikita were deployed on a traffic control duty at Market Square in Harare’s central business district last week.
According to state papers, the officers arrested a commuter omnibus driver whose name is not mentioned in the state papers for not possessing adequate documents.
The two allegedly demanded $10 from the driver so that he would avoid paying a possible $20.
The officers, the court heard, were given $10 as a bribe and released the vehicle. The commuter omnibus driver later filed a police report leading to the officers’ arrest.
Magistrate Tshuma released the two on a $50 bail each. They will be back in court on December 31. Daily news

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