Outgoing PM Morgan Tsvangirai’s wife Elizabeth has been threatened with court action by her boyfriend Kennedy Ngirazi’s wife.
Mrs Denise Ngirazi wrote her a strongly worded email warning her to leave her husband alone. Mrs Ngirazi told Mrs Tsvangirai “not to mistake my silence for stupidity”, adding that “please don’t make me resort to the courts once again.”
Last week, The Sunday Mail revealed that Elizabeth had rekindled her relationship with Kennedy and that the two were sending each other intimate messages where the PM’s wife was referring to the married man as her “sweetie.”
Soon after the publication of the story, Mrs Tsvangirai is understood to have rushed to South Africa while Mr Tsvangirai retreated to his rural home in Buhera where reports said he consulted village elders on how to handle this embarrassing matter which was coming soon after his crushing defeat in the July 31 harmonised elections.
In a scathing email dated Sunday March 3 2013 that was sent at 10:21am, Mrs Ngirazi said she was shocked that Mrs Tsvangirai was continuing the affair with her husband despite the fact that she was now married to a powerful husband.
“I write this email with an extremely heavy heart as you have made me resort to communicating with you which is something I had not anticipated doing. I have noted with deep concern that you are still communicating with my husband as evidenced by the love messages I saw that you sent him. I have been silent thus far and maintained my peace throughout all the embarrassing calls from the Press and all the nasty emails that circulated on the Internet.
“While everyone was crying out for my side and version of your character, I took it upon myself to distance myself from the charade for the sake of my family. Please don’t mistake my silence for stupidity because I am certainly not,” wrote Mrs Ngirazi.
When she was contacted yesterday to confirm whether she was indeed the author of the email, Mrs Ngirazi refused to comment, saying “I have put everything before God.”
She demanded to know how The Sunday Mail had got the email and pleaded that the paper should not publish the article but was told this was not possible as the writer has quite a number of emails chronicling the intimate relationship between Mrs Tsvangirai and Mr Ngirazi.
Mrs Tsvangirai could not be reached for a comment as her mobile phone was continuously unreachable.
However, in the email Mrs Ngirazi said to Mrs Tsvangirai: “What is most shocking to me is that you finally have a husband, money and status and yet you still want to engage in an affair with my husband, putting you all at risk as your husband is a very powerful man.
“While you may perhaps want to hide behind the fact that you have a child with my husband, given your torrid past I am in my legal rights to demand a DNA test proving paternity as I am inclined to believe that it is very questionable. I am well aware that you have been arranging for my husband to see your daughter Tashinga.
“Please remember that you knew full well my husband was a married man when you engaged in a relationship with him. Be that as it may you have to respect that he has a wife and children.
“Should your daughter truly be my husband’s child, then I will not keep them apart, but it has to be done with my consent. Please don’t make me resort to the courts once again as, I am sure as much as it would cause me much discomfort, it would cause you even greater embarrassment.”
She even invited Elizabeth for talks on the matter saying:
“Should you wish to discuss this matter further, I am more than happy to accommodate you. What I cannot accommodate is your continued persistence of your gestures of love to Kennedy. If you can’t respect the sanctity of your own marriage, maybe it’s too much to ask that you respect mine.
“Please note that I am still being very polite and civil, but if you continue to push me, I will defend my territory with the law which I know understands and respects the rights of a legally married woman.”
It could not be established whether Mrs Tsvangirai later met Mrs Ngirazi to discuss the issue which is set to continue straining the PM’s shaky marriage.
In one of the emails that we published last week, Mrs Tsvangirai wrote to Mr Ngirazi saying: “Why ndisingaitwewo good morning, good night. Ndatsamwa. Asi you are still deciding? Or you haven’t made up your mind.
“Asi mune confusion. Kasikai kumaker decision, Mrehwa.” Mr Ngirazi responded saying: “Good afternoon, my love. You know very well you are always on my mind. Hapana chekumbo decider.
“My quietness does not mean I’ve forgotten about you but it’s to keep you safe. You are too delicate to mess up. I love you always.”
Mrs Tsvangirai then responded saying: “Mwa — I like the word delicate, wow its mesmerising. Uri wangu, sweetie.”
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