Bonde Hungry Wife sues husband's small house

A WOMAN from Victoria Falls, who told a court she has endured se_xual starvation for seven years, is suing her husband’s alleged mistress for $5,000. Bekezela Ndlovu, 35, a secretary at Oasis College, is claiming the money from Faith Mawodzeka who works at the Victoria Falls Border Post.

Bekezela said her husband Jordan Ndlovu, 40, has not had se_x with her since 2009 because he has been sleeping with Mawodzeka.

She wept in court when Jordan turned up to testify in favour of his alleged girlfriend.

Jordan denied having an affair with Mawodzeka despite his wife chronicling before Victoria Falls magistrate Rangarirai Gakanje, events she said proved the two were cheating.

Mawodzeka is not married and works at the border post while Bekezela and Jordan were married in 2003 under Chapter 5.11.

In her summons, Bekezela said the affair has caused her emotional and physical distress.

She accused Mawodzeka of insulting her over the phone.

Bekezela said her husband would assault her whenever she confronted him about the affair while at one point she was also insulted by Mawodzeka’s daughter.

She said for seven years they would go for counselling sessions but the affair continued.

Jordan testified against his wife and accused her of washing dirty linen in public as he defended his alleged girlfriend.

Bekezela has since moved out of the matrimonial house and now stays with a friend in the same suburb.

She told the court her husband admitted being in love with Mawodzeka when his parents convened a meeting to solve the issue. She also told the court that her husband would sometimes spend about two weeks at Mawodzeka’s house.

The court heard Jordan and Mawodzeka spent most of their time together while at work and when Mawodzeka’s child died, he bore the funeral expenses.

Jordan and his girlfriend would allegedly go shopping in Botswana together. The civil trial continues this week.


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